You can also use ice on your face in summer. With the help of ice, you can get rid of many skin related problems. Actually, in summer, there are many problems in the skin, especially sweat and dirt on the face, due to which the face starts losing its complexion. In such a situation, to keep the skin glowing, you can just apply ice for 1-2 minutes. By applying ice on the face, the blood circulation of the skin remains correct, it does not have to face the problems related to the skin of the face and you get a good glow from it. Along with this, the glow on the face also increases. Applying ice on the face can get rid of many skin related problems. So let's know how you can apply ice on the face.

Apply ice like this to apply glow on the face

With the help of ice, you can get instant glow on the face. For this, take a piece of ice on the face every morning and wrap it in a cloth or plastic bag. Then, with light hands, rotate the face in a circular ie clockwise direction. You can do this for 2 minutes daily.

Apply ice like this to get rid of acne

Acne on the face is a common problem, in such a situation health experts say that ice massage gets rid of acne. For this, first wash and dry the face. Then now, with ice wrapped in a cloth or plastic bag, massage the face for about 10 minutes by moving the hands in a circular motion. By doing this daily, you can get rid of acne.

Apply ice like this to control wrinkles

With the help of ice, you can reduce the wrinkles on the face. Applying ice on the face not only reduces the existing wrinkles but also prevents new wrinkles from appearing.

Apply ice in this way to reduce dark circles

Ice can be used to reduce dark circles under the eyes. Applying ice cubes with rose water and cucumber juice is very beneficial in dark circles. By doing this remedy for a few days, you will start seeing the benefits.

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